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#21 podcast – Astragalus

Astragalus is my go to herb for the immnity system.  the roots of this plants have been used to boost immunity, tonify the spleen and digestion and also as an […]

#17 podcast – Spirulina and Chlorella

In this podcast episode and next I would be focusing on types of algae that we carry at Shokuiku.  I will be talking about spirulina and chlorella which are two […]

Raw Vegan Hemp + Buckwheat Cookie

After writing the last post about ketogenic diet I have been doing experimenting with lowering my saturated fat intake. (That means less coconut and cacao) I don’t plan to stay […]

How Not To Get A Hangover

Party season is coming up. December is a busy time of the year for many of us. Many of the gatherings we attend involve alcohol. Even many health advocates have drinks […]

How To Make Tour Natto

Natto has been getting a spotlight lately. So what is natto? Natto is a traditional japanese dish made from soy beans that are fermented with unique bacteria, bacillus subtilise natto. It […]