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Astragalus – Immunity Super Hero Herb

Astragalus is one of the most prized herbs traditionally as well as by modern science. For over 2,000 years, Astragalus Has been one of the 50 elite herbs for its […]

Cultivating Shen

cultivating Shen

    In our modern society we tend to put so much emphasis on external or physical beauty. But this is not sustainable. If we measure our self worth with […]

#20 podcast – Adaptogens

So what are adaptogens…. Basically adaptogens refers to non specific herbs that can enhance human body. According to the primary definition that was set in 1940. They need to meet […]

#19 podcast – Autumn (Metal Season)

Autumn, the season of Metal, is a great time to slow down,  sleep longer and reflect. The focused organs for this season are Lungs and large intestines. As the weather […]

#12 podcast – Cordyceps Mushroom

Cordyceps has been one of the highly revered herbs for thousands of years. In this episode I will talk about What cordyceps is How wild cordyceps grow Two different ways […]

9 Podcast – Reishi Mushroom

In this episode I am talking about a herb that will definately go into my top 3. Reishi, also known as ganoderma or Ling zhi.  In Shen Nong ben cao […]

Where Are Our Herbs From?

We are excited about offering our products to wider audiances by working with selected retailers across the country. We are also recieving more enquiries about the safety of our herbs […]

Winter – Time To Rest And Meditate

Winter - Time To Rest And Meditate

As much as I would love being warm with out too many layers on I know having winter is here for a purpose. having a cold temperature makes our plants […]

Jing – One of the Three Treasures

Jing is one of the three treasures. sometimes called “essence” or “vitality ” It is really what we are and something that you need to really look after. Pre-natal Jing […]


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