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Is Ketogenic Diet Killing You?

Move over Paleo. Ketogenic diet seems to be the latest trendy diet these days. When you are in ketosis (from high fat diet) your body will shift to produce ketones […]

Goji, Schisandra And Gynostemma Iced Latte Recipe

Goji, schisandra and gynostemma iced latte Probably these three herbs, goji, schisandra and gynostemma, would be my favourite herbs. (wait, maybe I will have to add some medicinal mushrooms to […]

How Not To Get A Hangover

Party season is coming up. December is a busy time of the year for many of us. Many of the gatherings we attend involve alcohol. Even many health advocates have drinks […]

How To Make Tour Natto

Natto has been getting a spotlight lately. So what is natto? Natto is a traditional japanese dish made from soy beans that are fermented with unique bacteria, bacillus subtilise natto. It […]

Raw Vegan Nettle Flatbread – Free Recipe

raw vegan nettle flatbread recipe Have you ever stung by these prickly “weeds” ? As annoying as they may be they are super heroes when it comes to their nutrition […]


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