Raw Vegan Broccoli, Pumpkin Seed And Seaweed Pate Recipe

firstly I apologise for not posting recipes for you lately. Today was the first afternoon off I had in argggghhh….almost three months. There are so much to do on top […]
How it all started…

HOW IT ALL STARTED…. I have posted many recipes in this section because I think it is what you like to see and I love the opportunity to create something […]
Meet Steph Gabriel From OceanZen

Meet a carefree, ocean loving mermaid who is passionate, conscious and inspiring to so many of us. Steph Gabriel is a founder of sustainable swimwear company, OceanZen. OceanZen’s fabric is […]
Christmas Pudding – Raw Vegan Gluten Free Recipe

Just in time for christmas I decide to share my recipe for christmas pudding for you on the video. As always they are “raw”, “plant based” ‘refined sugar free” and […]
Coming To The End Of 2015 – Receiving End of Lease Letter

I am not sure if that is anything to do with getting older but time seems like its flying past me. It is only 1 week away from Christmas and […]
How Pana Chocolate Got to Where They Are? – Interview with Pana Barbounis

If you are in Australia and into healthy food you probably know lana chocolate. Pana Chocolate is raw, organic and hand made chocolate company that is expanding really fast. I […]
Why I’m Doing This With Martina From Tantric Blossoming
I have written this before. But I was always one of those who did not want to deal with things which was quite hurtful at that time. I became so […]
criticism – how do you handle this?
When you take a risk to be in public, you will have to face a criticism sooner or later. You cannot please everyone. I have learnt this throughout my life, […]
Community, Connection
We had two community get together in one week last week. And they happened in such a great timing. Don’t get me wrong. I love what I do and grateful […]
After Thought Raw Soul Celebration

I am still going through some images from our latest event and our first “raw soul” event, 1st year celebration and fund-raising which happened only a couple of days ago. […]