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Blue Majik – What Is It and How to Use It – Raw Vegan Ice Block Cake Recipe

What is Blue Majik? Blue Majik is a certified organic extract of a special spirulina coming from Klamath lake in Oregon. It contains a powerful antioxidant called phycocyanin,responsible for bright blue colour.

Phycocyanin is known to be anti-inflammatory and potent free radical scavenger. (Romay et al, 2000) (Remirez et al, 2002) This anti-oxidant is thought to help protect against many disorders such as renal (kidney)failure caused by  certain drug therapies, some allergic inflammatory response.

Many Japanese studies have shown that the phycocyanin protects the liver and the kidneys during detoxification and potentiate the immune system especially useful addition to treatment of cancer and viral infection. Their human clinical study showed that extract rich in phycocyanin increased interferon production and NK cytotoxicity (cancer killing cells) (Hirahashi et al, 2002)

Another interesting study in Ukraine shows in animal experiment that it may be effective in removing radioactive toxicity from the body (Karpov et al, 2000)

Blue Majik has been creating a little stir recently because of its natural bright blue colour. It certainly helps creating eye catching meals and drinks. It does have an algae taste so you will need to play with other components of the recipe. You only need a small amount to give that colour though.


Ice Block Cake with Blue Majik, Coconut and Raspberry

coconut layer:

3/4 cup coconut water

meat of 2 coconut

1 tbs melted coconut oil

stevia to taste (healthy benefits of organic stevia)

blue majik layer:

2 avocado

2 tbs lemon juice

1/2 – 1 tsp blue majik powder

enough almond milk to turn the blender (or any other plant based milk)

stevia to taste



Blend coconut layer till smooth

Pour the mixture into a dish and let it firm up in the fridge (or freezer)

When firm top up with fresh raspberry.

Blend blue majik mixture and pour over the top.

let it chill to firm up again.

Serve with drizzle of chocolate sauce if desired


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