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Goji, Schisandra And Gynostemma Iced Latte Recipe

Goji, schisandra and gynostemma iced latte

goji, schisandra and gynostemma iced latte

Probably these three herbs, goji, schisandra and gynostemma, would be my favourite herbs. (wait, maybe I will have to add some medicinal mushrooms to the list though). They have amazing health benefits and really versatile. They are adaptogenic enough that I haven’t met many people who cannot take these herbs for whatever reasons.

You probably have tried goji berries already. They are widely available at your health and organic stores. schisandra berries and gynostemma, not so much.

you can read more about each herbs via our online shop (gynostemma and Schisandra berries)

If you are a fan of iced tea try something different with these herbs. schisandra berries give a tangy flavour and goji berries rounding the flavours nicely, also adding some sweetness.

I added hemp seed milk but you can use any other plant based milk of your choice. You may want to use sweetened milk or add more sweetener to taste. I think honey will do really nicely here but if you are vegan maple sugar would also be nice.

iced latte
even my dog liked the latte 😉

Ok. so here is the video how to make the iced latte. I usually appear only by showing my hands 😉 but I have dared myself to show my face and talk about the herbs in the end. So if you want to hear me ramble and read the benefits of schisandra and gynostemma please watch till the end.

goji , schisandra and gynostemma iced latte

The recipe is pretty flexible and adjust to your own taste

guide line is

3 tbs goji berries

1 tbs schisandra berries

1 tsp gynostemma tea leaves

1 1/2 cup water

if you can soak the herbs in the water for a couple of hours before blending it is much better.

but if you dont have time then go ahead blend them together and strain through a nut milk bag or cheese cloth.

Add ice cubes

pour your preferred plant based milk (sweetened milk might be nice or add extra sweetener to taste)

enjoy 🙂

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