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Enzymes: 17 Ways to Optimal Health

Enzymes are something that I don’t hear too many people talking about, unlike prebiotic. However they are an essential part of your digestive system, as well as most of your […]

Baobab – Tree Of Life

what is BAOBAB? Baobab is also known as “the tree of life” from Africa. it can live as long as 5000 years. Raw organic baobab fruit is highly nutritious and […]

Gardenia Cambogia And Weight Loss

You might have seen these little ads coming up on your Facebook page or you may even have heard that Dr Oz, TV personality made famous by Oprah,  has been […]

Spotlight: Fruit That Can Clear Up Your Arteries

I just saw an interesting article about the fruit that may be beneficial in treating and preventing cardiovascular diseases and that is POMEGRANATE We always knew that pomegranate is high […]


One of our new additions to our list of superfood is BAOBAB. It has an amazing nutrients profile and the best of all it tastes so pleasant! Baobab is also […]