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criticism – how do you handle this?

When you take a risk to be in public, you will have to face a criticism sooner or later. You cannot please everyone.

I have learnt this throughout my life, sometimes in a conscious way and sometimes in an unconscious way.

It hurts, especially if you are criticised for something that you really believe in and passionate about.

It also hurts, when you don’t agree with what you are criticised about.

Someone told me once “you will need to develop a thick skin when you have your own business”  I believe it for a while. Well, I tried to believe it anyway.  It did not work.

I still get affected in some ways but I feel like I can cope with them in a more loving and more practical way these days. Because I know that I cannot please everyone. And I know that I am not perfect and I will never be.

that is ok.

I use the criticism to learn and grow. I try not to see the emotions behind the words. I just see it as it is. just a message.  – an opportunity to improve.

How do You cope with a criticism ?

How do you criticise people?

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