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Triphala: Three Herb Wonder

I first became acquainted with Triphala when I was doing volunteer work in an ashram. The resident yogi monk would prescribe it to me for everything! Whether my digestion is […]

Raw Food Class at Shokuiku

This year I have decided to focus more on running raw food workshops. So many of you have asked and every time we have organised one they are sold out […]

Join Us Celebrate And Help Us Give Back

I want to share my excitement with you and hopefully we can have you at the cafe on 17th december with us. About this time last year I was scrubbing, […]

Free Demonstration

I have a couple of demonstrations planned at a couple of great events. Sustain organic expo. – 19th and 20th october I am doing a demo on “superfood smoothies for […]

Past Blogsite

I had a separate blogsite that I started in 2008-2013. If you would like to read what i had written in the past please visit here