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Raw Vegan Corn Cake

raw corn cakes

I love peeling off the husk of corn and finding little jewels inside. Our organic farmer has dropped off their heirloom corn and they were extra juicy and sweet even eaten raw.

Corn is one of the most grown crops in the world, mostly used for manufactures (such as DEADLY high fructose corn syrup!!) and for livestock. When you are buying corn, it is important to choose organic / heirloom variety as they are likely to be GMO if not labelled.

Corn in raw food cuisine is easy to use. I have made amazing corn soup often and corn shells for tortilla and tacos. These corn cakes turned out really well too. Hope you get to try them

raw vegan corn cakes


corn cakes

1 cup cauliflower

kernels of 2 corn

bamboo salt to taste

juice of half lime

cayenne pepper to taste

1/2 cup flax meal

1/2 turmeric powder

1tsp nutritional yeast

1 tbs olive oil


mix almond butter, tamari and lime juice

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