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Nibbly Mix (Trail Mix) for Food Matters Event in Melbourne

There are a few organisations that I admire and follow. In fact there are quite a lot of them. Even though we can get caught up with some dark news and frustrating events in this world I am constantly delighted and inspired by amazing movement that is happening right now.

Food matters was one of the companies that keep getting out a great message about healthy eating/lifestyle into the world.

I first knew about Food Matters by watching their well received documentary ” food matters” , showcasing that the food you eat can help or hurt our health.

They have then released another documentary “hungry for change” and constantly offering great resources for those who have begun and on the health and wellness journey via their website 

I was really honoured when they asked me to cater for them while they were in here in melbourne as part of the Food matters tour.

One of the snacks I provided for the team was my version of trail mix. I always liked to use activated nuts and seeds for maximum nutrition. They will keep a long time so make a big batch and keep them in an air-tight container.

If you are looking for another kitchen tool to buy (I know there are so many!) a dehydrator should definitely be one to be considered. Even if you don’t make bread, crackers and cookies often, being able to dehydrate your own vegetables, fruits and activated nuts and seeds is really amazing.

Today I saw activated nuts for sale at a health food store today. Well, they were always there but I never thought to pick them up to have a look. I was surprised to see the description that says “the nuts have been dehydrated no more than 70 degrees.” From my understanding that is not enzyme-preserving (raw) temperature…. If you have any knowledge to why this is done and still called “living foods” I would love to hear from you.

Most of commercial dried fruits are dried at high heat and can be cleaned with hot water. You can make sure of the quality and how they are processed if you do them yourself.

Anyway  here is what I mixed up for the Nibbly Mix.


3 cups coconut chips

1 cup sultana

1 cup dehydrated orange, cut into smaller piece

1/2 cup goji berry

1/2 cup cashews

1/2 cup almond

1/2 cup pumpkin seed


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