Bee Pollen Vegan, Non-vegan, or Ethically Harvested?
It is one of a controversial subject in a vegan industry. It is wildly known that honey is NOT vegan, as it is produced when bees digest nectar they have […]
Spot Light – Fruit That Can Clear Up Your Arteries, Pomegranate
I just saw an interesting article about the fruit that may be beneficial in treating and preventing cardiovascular diseases and that is POMEGRANATE we always knew that pomegranate is high […]
One of our new additions to our list of superfood is BAOBAB. It has an amazing nutrients profile and the best of all it tastes so pleasant! Baobab is also […]
15 Ways To Detox We Can Do Regularly
Because of the way we live these days I come across the word “detox” all the time. Our water, air, soil are now polluted, the stress levels have gone up […]
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar! Why Do We Feel Bad Eating Sweet Food?
Oh how we love sweet things…. if you have a condition that requires you to cut down all the sugars, including fruits and less processed sweeteners then please follow your […]
Recipe For Raw Beetroot And Pine Nut Dip
I was at the cafe creating a dip for lunch this afternoon. I have been blessed with beautiful pine nuts lately and have been making different dishes, including raw crackers, […]