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17 Ways To Your Optimal Health

what is the state of your health at this moment?

how do you feel? how does your body feel? Is your body operating at the optimal level, or started getting some or many symptoms of ill health.

I believe our body is supposed to be functioning well. If it doesn’t there must be a reason why. it could be an environmental, emotional or physical reasons. As many of you would know, I have gone thorough some time of healing. The first thing I did was to look at my diet. Eliminating and introducing certain foods have definitely helped my body, but there are many more things that need to be looked at.

For example.. One can be working in a stressful environment but really careful with what s/he eat. Another can be eating many deep fried food with hydrogenated oil and refined carbohydrates. They are both experiencing heart problems. Is there a miracle pill that can work for both of them?

When we are looking at a “disease ” in a holistic way it is essential that all the aspect of health needs to be raised higher.

1. cleansing and detoxification  (intestines)

2. prebiotics

3. enzymes

4. exercise, movement

5. dental health

6. breathing, posture

7. water 

8. diet (macro nutrients)

9. micro nutrients – vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals,

10. free radicals and anti oxidant

11. hormones

12. spirituality, consciousness  and positive attitude to life

13. cleansing liver, kidney and blood

14. herbs

15. Immune system

16. energy

17. rest

In the next few weeks I will be posting on each subject more in details. Meanwhile you may like to look at your own health and go through each topics for yourself. How is your digestion? Do you include prebiotic foods and supplements in your diet? Surely if you are reading this you know a bag of potato chips are not going to help your body to work efficiently?

If you would like to share your thoughts and comment below it would be fun to get the discussion started.


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