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Tonic Icy Poles with a Boost of Poria, Blue Majik and Turmeric – Raw Vegan, Cashew Free

tonic icy poles

I am writing this post in Melbourne’s 42 degree heatwave. Unlike fellow raw food lovers I am not a huge fan of hot weather. I would rather have winter any day than having these extremely hot temperature.

Lucky I was organised yesterday to make these for today.


3/4 cup activated almond
2 cups water

1/4 cup irish moss gel
40ml lakanto (or to taste)
1 tbs poria extract
2 tbs lucuma powder
1 tbs coconut oil
pinch of salt
vanilla extract

for blue
add blue majik by @e3live

for yellow
add turmeric powder


make almond milk by blending the activated almond and water. Strain through nut milk bag
blend with the rest of the ingredients till smooth
either put through ice cream maker or freeze the mixture and stir vigorously every 30 minutes until half frozen
put small quantity of each colour mixtures into icy pole mould till all used up
freeze over night.

Not only these are highly nutritious, they are so much fun to eat. I mean, look at these amazing colours!

Wouldn’t it be great to have all the food manufacturers to use these colourful superfoods to colour their products instead of using all the chemicals? Even though my daughter doesn’t see any artificial flavours and colourings at our home I have no control to what she has an access to in the big world. I sometimes see an empty packaged foods that horrify me in her room. My belief is that she is now old and educated enough to make her own decisions. But it is our responsibility to create an environment that can offer healthier choice for our children. What can we all do to create a conscious food movement?

The first step is definitely from our own home.

enjoy 🙂

tonic icypole raw vegan

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