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How to Make Natural Toothpaste

Once you start being more conscious about what you are eating you realise all the chemical cosmetics and toiletries also need an attention. Yes, they can go in through your skin, scalp and mouth.

In fact your mouth is one of the most absorbent places in your entire body. I mean why do you think some medication are to be taken sublingually (under your tongue)?

There are many toothpaste on supermarket shelves. Have you ever looked at their ingredients?

Here are some toxic ingredients you may find in your toothpaste

1: tricolosan (anti bacterial agent)

Apparently the United States Environmental Protection Agency classifies tricolosan as a pesticide and has been linked to cancer. This chemical has also shown to increase a risk of antibiotic resistance and endocrine disruption affecting oestrogen, thyroid hormones.   Dr. mercola has a great article about this chemical here

2: sodium laureth (ether) sulfate (SLS or SLES)

Used as a forming agent SLS and SLES have been linked to skin irritation and painful canker sores. A study (American college of toxicology) shows that this may stay in the body up to 5 days, accumulating in the heart, liver, lungs and brain. When combined with certain chemicals it can become carcinogenic volatile compound which is a concern for our health as well as for our environment.

3: propylene glycol

Used as a wetting agent and surfactant in toothpaste. It is linked to brain liver and kidney abnormalities.

4: diethanolamine (DEA)

DEA is used in many foaming products. The main concern is its effect on hormones. It may have a hormone disruptive properties and react with other chemicals which then form carcinogen called NDEA.

Other concerning chemicals include Fluoride, Microbeads, artificial flavourings, colourings and sweeteners, propylene paraben, cocamidopropyl betaine  and more.


I found this website really useful when researching cosmetic products. EWG’s skin deep 

After feeling yuk about these chemicals in my toothpaste my first move was moving towards buying more natural toothpaste. I now make my own toothpaste with coconut and neem oil.

Coconut oil is known to have anti-bacterial properties. It strongly inhibits the growth of most strains of “streptococcus” bacteria, including “Streptococcus mutans” which is a major cause of tooth decay  (study at the Athlone Institute of Technology)

Neem oil is also known to be powerful antibacterial and work on health of your gum.

Here is a recipe for my natural toothpaste with coconut and neem oil

50ml bentonite clay (I used Redmond clay)

1/2 cup coconut oil, softened

10 drops eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil

2 tbs neem oil

1 tbs baking soda

Mix all the ingredients together


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