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Winter Wellness

From the perspective of Eastern Medicine, winter is a season of deep introspection and conservation. This time of year is characterised by the body’s natural inclination to turn inward, aligning […]

Power of Herbs for Children’s Health

In the midst of our fast-paced lives, where processed foods and digital distractions dominate, the call to return to nature for our children’s well-being is louder than ever. Herbs, often […]

Relationship between emotions and the organs


We all experience occasional mood swings, but when emotional turbulence becomes a constant presence in our lives, it’s essential to delve deeper. Your emotions may seem like they are in […]

How to Stay Healthy While Travelling

Travelling is one of the most exciting activities.  There is something about the thrill of what lies ahead, ready to bring in new experiences. Yet, let’s face it, the reality […]

Medicinal Mushrooms for Dogs

Can dogs eat Medicinal mushrooms? Discover the natural healing potential of medicinal mushrooms for dogs and explore how these extraordinary fungi can improve your furry companion’s well-being. With a rising […]

Unveiling the Beauty of Pearl

Pearl (margarita), an ancient superfood revered for centuries, offers a myriad of health benefits that have captivated cultures worldwide. With a rich history spanning over 4,000 years, civilizations such as […]